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Vision Football Soccer Academy (VFSA) is able to provide effective programs for children and youth because of the generous contribution of all our donors. Our special thanks goes to those individuals, foundations and corporate supporters who have made significant gifts to our programs over the last year:

Here at VFSA we are inspired and heartened by the generosity of people with the heart of charity, who have dug deep this season and shared what they have for the sake of families struggling with poverty.

There are many levels of involvement, ranging from making a donation to working for VFSA in one of the organisation’s many projects in central and eastern uagnda. The full range of activities, events, programmes, gifts and more are listed under the main headings on the About us and programs page.


Getting involved with VFSA makes a difference in the lives of the people the organisation is working with. Each year VFSD/ VFSA relies on the generosity of the public to raise the funding it needs to carry out its work. 


The VFSA works with have all the potential to change their lives; and with your support, VFSA  has the potential to help them do it. From fundraising events to corporate donations, VFSA will ensure that every gift goes towards helping those who need it most.

By setting up a regular gift through Direct Debit, VFSA  promises that your gifts will help the families most in need. Your regular gift means VFSA has the ability to carry out emergency work, as well as the security needed to continue vital long term programmes.

A regular gift means less administration costs for VFSA. Therefore more of your donations goes directly towards helping people in the world's poorest countries.

Make a Donation

VFSA relies on grants and donations to carry out its work. You can give a single donation which will be used where the need is greatest, or choose to give to one of the specific appeals. Simply enter the amount you would like to donate, then choose the appeal below.

Types of Donations


Retirement Funds

You may name Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA as a direct beneficiary of your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF).

When naming academy as the beneficiary of all or a portion of your RRSP or RRIF, the amount donated will not be subject to probate and your estate will receive a charitable donation tax receipt for the total amount given.

To include VFSA as the beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF, simply contact your financial advisor or the institution holding the fund and ask them to change or add to the beneficiary designation.

Life Insurance Policy

You can name Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA as the owner and beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy. A gift of life insurance is separate from your estate and has no effect on its assets. Please consult a financial advisor or lawyer for more information.


Legacy gifts

If you want to continue to make a difference to the lives of orphans and vulnerable children, youth women, men and countless disadvantaged families in central and eastern Uganda, please consider contributing to our Endowment Fund, or leaving a legacy or planned gift to Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA.

You can do that by:

  • Making a donation to the academy’s Endowment Fund by indicating your wish at the time of your donation;
  • Including the academy as a beneficiary in your will for a specific sum or a portion of your estate;
  • Donating part of your assets, for example, stocks, bonds, or mutual funds;
  • Naming Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA as a beneficiary of your retirement funds, RRSP, RRIF or pension;
  • Naming the Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

If you would like more information about planned giving, please call us at

P.O.Box 36122, Kampala-Uganda

+256-774-742-749/ +256-752-618-402 / +256-773-736-956

visionfootballacademy@gmail.com, vision4developmental@gmail.com

www.vfsa.cfsites.org, www.vfsd.cfsites.org

Please speak to an accountant or financial advisor to understand the impact on your personal taxes of making a bequest. Even more important, we urge you to consult with a lawyer so that he or she can help you put your wishes in the correct legal form.

About VFSD Donations

What percentage of my donation will go directly to those who need it?

Q. What percentage of my donation will go directly to those who need it?

A. We are seriously committed to ensuring that your contribution goes directly to our project work in Central or Eastern Uganda, supporting those who need it most. We work very hard to keep our administrative costs as low as humanly possible: in our first five years we spent less than 10% on administration.

Q. When can I expect my receipt?

A. You can expect your receipt for your one-time donation within four to six weeks from the date you send it in.

If you are making monthly donations through your bank account or credit card, your annual receipt will be sent in January for the previous tax year.

Q. I donated several months ago. Why haven't I received a receipt?

A. Please call us at :-+256-774-742-749/ +256-752-618-402/ +256-773-736-956 or write us (visionfootballacademy@gmail.com, vision4developmental@gmail.com) with as much information about your donation as possible.


It's possible we had an incorrect address for you so when you call or write, tell us your full name as it appeared on your donation, your address, when you made the donation and the amount.


It is also helpful if we know how you made the donation: cheque, money order, credit card, online, etc. Include a phone number or email address so we can get in touch with you if we need to.


If you made your donation through our website, online please contact visionfootballacademy@gmail.com, vision4developmental@gmail.com  for your receipt.

Q. I can't find my receipt. Can I have another one?

A. We can send you a copy of your receipt. Be sure to give us your full names as it appeared on your donation, your address, the date you made the donation and the amount. Please include a phone number or email address so we can get in touch with you if we need to.

Q. Can you send my receipt to someone else?

A. We send receipts only to the person making the donation.  This means that unless we receive signed documentation that a person gave you the money to forward to the Foundation, we can only send a receipt to:

  • The person or people whose names are on a pre-printed cheque
  • The person who signed the money order
  • The person whose name is on the credit card

Q: I'm making the donation in lieu of a gift. Can you send the receipt to that person?

A: We do not allow this. We must issue the receipt to the person making the donation.

Q. I'm writing the cheque, but I want the receipt to go to my partner.

A. If your cheque is pre-printed with more than one name; we can send the receipt to any one on the cheque. If your partner's name is not on the cheque.

Q. I want to write a cheque to cover cash donations I collected for the organization. How can the people who donated cash get a receipt?

Targeted Donations: These donations go to a particular program or one of the VFSA’s areas of work

Q. I want my donation to go to people in a specific region in either in Central or Eastern Uganda. How can I do this?

A. Please make your donation payable to ' Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA' and put the name of the region (central or western) on the reference line. We will designate the money to the projects in that region you will identify.

Q. I want my donation to help Children, but I don't know which projects are doing that.

A. Just put the word 'orphans and vulnerable children' on the reference line and we will designate the money to a project that helps orphans and vulnerable children. The same applies to youth, women, disadvantaged families and people living with HIV/AIDS.

Q. How can I find out about the projects my donation is going to?

A. Visit our What We Do page.

Does the organisation sell, rent or trade donor information

Q. Does the Foundation sell, rent or trade donor information (eg., mailing and email addresses) to other agencies?

A. At present, absolutely not. We know that some charities share and sell donor information, and we have no intention of buying, selling, or trading donor information anytime soon. Our whole culture is grassroots, from the projects we fund to the way we run the organisation. If the time comes when this is something we are contemplating, we will post the information on our website.

Donating Goods

Q. I'm collecting balls, jazzies (uniforms), soccer boots, sheen guards, bibbs, truck suits, casual wears, socks, cornnes, water bottles, scholastic materials, shoes, clothing, computers, veichles, bycycles, motor cycles.

How do I send them?

A. Goods have to be shipped if the mobilser has capacity since shipping goods to Africa is a bit expensive and fraught with difficulties of various kinds: it often costs more than the value of what you're donating. For these reasons, the organisation recommends that you can donate more of money, and let Vision For Sustainable Development do the purchasing of goods.

However the person collecting these items or materials should inform the organisation management before, be recommended or known as a friend of the organization.

Donate by check 

To donate in this format, please write a check, payable to

Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA

and send it to:

P.O.Box 36122 Kampala-Uganda


OR Call or Write directly to the following address


Contacts:-+256-774-742-749/ +256-752-618-402/ +256-773-736-956 

Email: - visionfootballacademy@gmail.com, vision4developmental@gmail.com

Website: www.vfsa.cfsites.org, www.vfsd.cfsites.org

Please ensure that your name, address, fax and phone number are included on the cheque so that we can send you a receipt.

Donate by mail or phone 

If you would like to mail or fax us a cheque or money order, or to give your credit card or direct debit information to someone over the phone, please contact the provided address at the bottom or check the conntact page.


Please note:

If you would like a receipt for your donation, please be sure to request one when you send in your donation, and ensure that your name, address and phone number are included on the check.

If you have further questions or in need For more information about donating to VFSD please contact 


P.O.Box 36122, Kampala-Uganda

+256-774-742-749/ +256-752-618-402 / +256-773-736-956

visionfootballacademy@gmail.com, vision4developmental@gmail.com

www.vfsa.cfsites.org, www.vfsd.cfsites.org


                                                            Thank you for your support.                                                        


                                                                                                            Thank you for visiting our website