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Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA is an initiative of Vision For Sustainable Development-VFSD. VFSA’s mission is to mobilize Ugandan youth giving the priority to orphans and vulnerable children, those affected to HIV/AID’s between the ages of 3-18 with an opportunity to associate with sports fraternity and to develop their talents, skills and knowledge through professional instructions, clinics, local and world youth tournaments in addition to empowering them with life skills, encouraging stay in school, abstinence and behavior changes among the youth with the view of discouraging and preventing HIV/AID’s epidemic among the youth age groups.


VFSA programs foster on developing football skills and knowledge, healthy, physical, social and emotional development of children and build safer and stronger communities. VFSA uses specially-designed sport and play programs to teach health education and life skills such as leadership, team work, fair play, self esteem, communication, respect, morality and peace building. VFSA uses sport and play to mobilize and educate communities around key health issues to support national health objectives, in particular HIV/AID’s awareness and prevention campaigns work in accordance with FIFA/FUFA rules and regulations 


The organisation uses sport and play as a tool for development of children and youth in the most advantaged areas of the world, VFSD is now committed to improving the lives of these children and strengthening their communities by translating the best practices of sport and play into opportunities to promote development and health.


The Academy ensures the best coaching alternative to young football players of 3-18 years who are not yet affiliated to professional football through provision of possible coaching standards and practices by engaging long term experienced coaches/managers, local and international players and to develop talented players to their full potential in excellent outdoor and indoor facilities.


Admission to the Academy may be obtained in a number of ways:

  1. following successful trials after recommendation by the Academy’s football staff;
  2. following successful trials after recommendation by the player’s current football club or school;
  3. following successful trials after personal application to the Academy for admission;

Please note that players admitted to the Academy must be attending school, college or university or taking a work related course at a recognised institution. 


The minimum attendance requirements at the Academy take the player’s age, school commitments and home location into consideration.  Attendance is required at a minimum number of evening and/or weekend sessions during the season and 2-weeks full-time at the Academy’s Football Camps or Mobile Unit Sessions during the summer. Players are also required to play in the Academy’s teams if required.


It is the policy of the Academy to assist every player at the Academy to become associated with a Professional Club, its Academy or School of Excellence.  Representatives of clubs are periodically invited to the Academy coaching sessions, camps and games to look at talented players.


All players are registered free with the Academy and sign a contract between the player, organization, academy and parents. The player is not supposed to play for any club or other youth soccer programme.  Registered players are free to join any club of their choice whilst registered but only after accomplishment of negotiations between the particular club and VFSA.  The Academy acts as agents for registered players and does offer advice in contract signing, transfers and other matters related to football and making sure that the parents are engaged in further decisions.



Ø       To encourage exploration, expansion and maximize opportunities for Ugandan children/youth to play football.

Ø       To identify, promote, nurture and internationally expose Ugandan youth football talent

Ø       To indicate discipline and morality, and involving parents in the development of the youth football talent.

Ø       To organize, supervise youth competitions and work with partners in promoting football from the grassroots.

Ø       To mobilize the youth with the view of providing awareness, general counseling (HIV/AID’s), sensitization on prevention measures and conducting trainingings in leadership skills.

Ø       Engaging youth-players in charity and voluntary community development work/ activities

Ø       To use the game of football to inspire and encourage the spirit of sports manship and co-operation among the players the youth with positive role models

Ø       Provision of training equipments; uniforms, soccer balls, cones, footballs, boots, water bottles, soccer bags, track suits, casual wear, sheen guards, training bibs, and socks.
Provision of scholastic materials to players, orphans and vulnerable children
Facilitating the academy International/ European tours
Facilitation of visiting foreign coaches and sports personalities and running of the programme


P.O.Box 36122, Kampala-Uganda

+256-774-742-749/ +256-752-618-402 / +256-773-736-956

visionfootballacademy@gmail.com, vision4developmental@gmail.com

www.vfsa.cfsites.org, www.vfsd.cfsites.org


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